Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Acts 2:42-47

The Fellowship of the Believers

42 And athey devoted themselves to the apostles' bteaching and the cfellowship, todthe breaking of bread and the prayers. 43 And awe5 came upon every soul, and emany wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. 44 And all who believed were together and fhad all things in common. 45 And fthey were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 And day by day, gattending the temple htogether and ibreaking bread in their homes, they received their food jwith glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and khaving favor with all the people. And the Lord ladded to their number mday by day those who nwere being saved.


  1. a few things stand out to me here...

    For one, its said they, "received their food with glad and generous hearts..." something simple (and at times for them hard to come by) like food was treated with joy and thanksgiving. We just eat the food... we may share the food... but do we give thanks and with JOY share the food with gladness welling up in our hearts? this morning while reading this I desperately want to. My heart seems to be pounding to want to.

    and then in verse 47, "having favor with all people..." I think this speaks for itself. Are we the kind of people, am I the kind of man who finds favor with many DIFFERENT types of people because of my giving, sharing, thankfulness to God, and my helping create holy moments? Again, i seriously want to.

    praying the same for you guys today. Thanks for being a part of my life.


  2. I really like this bit telling about the early "church" coming together to share and eat...

    One verse stands out a little and I wish I knew more of the context... V. 43, it says everyone was in "awe" and performed miraculous signs and wonders. I wish I knew more detail of what this awe was all about, what the miracles and wonders were. Are they the blessings that come from a communal life in the way of Jesus and meeting needs, or were they different than that?
